Black History is Northamptonshire’s History
UNI Club Tutor: Siobhan Hyland
- In lesson 1, learners are introduced to the slave trade and its Northamptonshire links, reflecting on prior learning or understanding on this topic.
- Lesson 2 explore themes of racism, discrimination. It focusses upon Northampton’s hero: Walter Tull. The learner explores why Walter Tull was so important to Northampton and to black history. We explore the barriers and discrimination that Walter faced in his life.
- In lesson 3 we explore the Windrush Generation. Who were the Windrush Generation and why were they so important to Britain?
- The module finishes with lesson 4 exploring power and protest – the Black Lives Matter campaign. Who was George Floyd? We explore the themes of racism, institutional racism and protest.
Module Learning Objectives
To gain knowledge and understanding of the historical development of Northamptonshire
- To gain an understanding of a wider cultural heritage that needs to be explored
- To promote an understanding of events not part of the wider curriculum
- To support students to develop skills in investigating, researching, analysis and evaluating sources
Lesson 1: An introduction to the Slave Trade and its links to Northampton
Lesson 2: Northampton’s Hero, Walter Tull
Lesson Three: The Windrush Generation
Lesson four: Power and Protest – The Black Lives Matter Campaign
Download the Module booklet by clicking the button below.
Download resources-
15 Minutes
What you need
Pen, paper and the downloadable PPT
15 Minutes
What you need
Pen, paper and the downloadable the PPT
15 Minutes
What you need
Pen, paper and the downloadable the PPT
15 Minutes
What you need
Pen, paper and the downloadable the PPT
Flexible (up to 8 hours independent learning)
What you need
The Module resources in section 5
All students are welcome to complete the final assessment part of the module.
However, we are only able to accept submissions to the University of Northampton for marking, from Northamptonshire schools only. Please check with the teacher in your school if they would like you to complete the final assignment for your e-learning module.
Assignment title:
Black history is part of Northamptonshire’s history – true or false?
Discuss the statement in 1,000 words, using research from the e-module and your own research.
Tip: There are lots of useful resources within the e-module workbook, including a list of ‘Extra Resources’ which will help you.
Writing your assignment:
The final assignment is a 1,000 word essay, which is marked by the UNI Club team at the University of Northampton. By completing this assignment, you will gain experience in undertaking your own research and writing an essay, all skills required for studying at university.
The assignment will enable you to:
- Research the topic area independently.
- Approach the topic in an unbiased and balanced way.
- Exploring the barriers or difficulties of the topic.
- Allow you to plan, research, evaluate and review the topic rather than just describe and narrate.
You must ensure that there is a logical structure to your assignment such as an introduction, main body, and conclusion – evidencing any research you have found. See the assessment objectives in the document titled: The UNI Club Assessment Guide that explain these in more detail.
Assignments will be marked as either Pass with Honours, Pass, or Fail. There are opportunities for resubmission. All students will receive a certificate on completion of their assignment.
You will need both of the following documents, downloadable from here:
How to write an assignment (UNI Club)
This document outlines how to write an essay, how to reference and what you need to complete your assignment. It is important that you read and use this document.The UNI Club Assessment Guide
This document outlines your assessment criteria. In other words, what the UNI Club team will look at to mark your assignment. Use this to check that you have met all the criteria.Submitting your assignment:
Assignments must be written in Word and submitted to: [email protected] by the following dates (agreed with your schools):
- Monday 13th December 2021,
- Monday 28th March 2022, or
- Monday 27th June 2022.

Give us your feedback
Once you have completed the Module, please click the button below to complete this short survey. All your feedback is helpful and we use it when planning our next activities.
Take Survey