We will be starting soon!

An Introduction to University Life
Mansi will give an introduction to university life with an overview of her journey to university, what influenced her decision and the challenges she overcame. Living away from home, making friends, what teaching looks like at university and wider experiences such as study abroad and volunteering opportunities.

What Does University Look Like During Covid 19?
Professor Shan Waring, Deputy Vice Chancellor, University of Northampton will talk about what going to university looks like during Covid-19 and what will it look like in September. My talk covers what the last few months have been like for university students, and what the main things to consider about life on campus and teaching and learning next academic year, for anyone thinking about starting university in the autumn.

Clearing and Clearing Plus
In this session we are going to look at UCAS clearing. The vast majority of students will have already selected their firm university choice on UCAS Track and we wish them the best of luck in achieving the grades needed to meet their offer. However, it is always worth knowing what your options are on the day so in the next ten minutes students will get all the necessary information needed to feel sufficiently prepared should they need to rely on clearing come results day.
Coffee Break
Grab a cuppa, we’ll be back in 15 mins!
How Does Student Finance Work?
Ahmar Ehsan, Funding Information Partners Account Manager (Midlands) will discuss the key messages on applying for student finance, give recent updates for 2020 and also discuss Student Loans Company updates that enhance their service for applicants so they understand that applying for student finance hasn’t changed and support is still in place for them.
Lunch Break
We’ll be back at 13:00!

Digital Skills
Dr Jon Rainford, Digital Learning and Development Officer, University of Bedfordshire, will talk about being prepared for new ways of learning before you move to Higher Education can make the transition much less stressful. In this video, some of the tools you might use when studying at university are introduced to help you with this transition. It introduces different types of online learning such as virtual learning environments, lecture capture and online classrooms.

How Does it Feel to be a Fresher?
Katrina will talk about her experiences of being a fresher and how students can make the most of their first few weeks at university. There are tips on independent living, making friends, overcoming anxieties and on advice and ways to keep in contact whilst some teaching and learning takes place online.