Personal Statements Workshop

This workshop is an opportunity to introduce sixth form students to personal statements as key part of their UCAS application and explore the purpose of a personal statement. Students will begin writing their own initial draft whilst evaluating the strength of experiences they currently have and looking at ways they can strengthen their current ideas.

Session Overview

Our personal statement session is delivered in classroom setting and follows a linear approach as we break down the personal statement into key sections and help students think of their own examples in order to build up a strong foundation for their first draft. Each section includes practical examples so students can see how a personal statement may look and begin thinking about how to apply this to their own examples.

The session is broken down into the following sections:

  • Key UCAS timeline covering all important dates students need to be aware of
  • The purpose of a personal statement and why it's an important part of a UCAS application
  • Super Curricular, Core Curricular and Extra Curricular experience
  • Bringing it together - how to structure a personal statement

For more information on the above approach and access to online resources staff and students can go to our e-learning module that covers personal statements.


Session Plan

You can download a copy of our current Lesson Plan here. Please note this is likely subject to change in line with updates to Personal Statements next academic year.

Download >>>

How to Book your Workshop

Our personal statement session is available to book via MS Bookings between 23rd September- 7th November, excluding Mondays and Fridays.

Related Resources


Guide from UCAS on how to write an effective personal statement.

Visit website >>>

University of Hertfordshire Advice and Guidance Webinars

Join the University of Hertfordshire for our free advice and guidance sessions running throughout the year. These sessions include how to choose a university, student finance and personal statements.

All sessions are free and are open to parents/carers and students.

Visit website >>>

Personal statement e-module

Visit our personal statement e-module for free downloadable worksheets and a step by step guide on how write a winning personal statement.

Visit webpage >>>

Post Workshop Social Media and Newsletter Templates

Here you can download suggested templates for social media posts and newsletter articles to share information about the personal statement session with parents, carers and the wider school community.

Download >>>

Contact Us

If you have any further questions or need more information you can contact our team at [email protected]

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