Widening Access Programme
Welcome to our University of Hertfordshire Widening Access Programme! On this page you can find all the activities and support your school are entitled to, as one of our supported primary schools or Partnership secondary Schools. You will also find booking links, risk assessments and template parent/carer letters for key events and downloadable lesson plans and resources which you can use to help inform the best time to book our in school talks or continue the learning further.
The aim of the programme is to support students throughout their educational journey and prepare them for their next steps post 18...
Primary Programme
In class workshops
We come to you for a series of fun in-class workshops and introduce students to the idea of university.
Fun and interactive camps visit exploring Science and Arts subjects and where they can take you.
Festival of Outdoor Education
Visit our Bayfordbury Campus for a fun day of outdoor experiential learning.
The Joy of Reading Year 6
Funded reading programme and author visit to your school!
Secondary Programme
The Joy of Reading Year 7
Funded reading programme and author visit to your school!
Theatre Performances Year 8
In school session with a lively combination of drama, comedy, music and dance exploring the variety of options available to students after GCSEs.

Pathfinder Day Year 9
An engaging on campus day of interactive quizzes and sessions unveiling the exciting world of higher education.
Year 10 Choices
In school workshop helping young people identify their next steps post-16.
Wayfinder Day Year 12
On campus day covering all the topics students need to know to make a successful decision on their HE future with a chance to meet current university students.
Personal Statements Year 12 & 13
In school session helping students find out everything they need to know about writing a successful personal statement.

Student Finance & Responding to Offers Year 13
In school session covering the Student Finance process, managing university costs and how to respond to course offers.
Additional Support
Student and Parent Webinars
We run a number of information webinars throughout the year to help students with key topics around higher education, follow the link to view a full programme of our upcoming sessions.
Year 12 Taster Day
Why not bring your year 12 students to experience university life, attend subject tasters and see inside university accommodation on a day designed specifically with year 12 students in mind!
Thursday 5 June 2025
Widening Access Newsletter
Join our mailing list to get the latest information on all Widening Access opportunities open to your staff and students. This is the primary means by which we communicate key events such as Year 9 Pathfinders with our school contacts.
Evaluation Toolkit
The Evaluation Toolkit and linked resources are free tools to help you evaluate Widening Access Fund activities.