Looking after your wellbeing this January

Christmas and New Year have come and gone, and we find ourselves in another national lockdown.

January can be a dreary month at the best of times, with Blue Monday, dubbed the most depressing day of the year, just around the corner (18th Jan). With so much uncertainly floating around, our wellbeing can take a hit.

But there are things we can do to improve our wellbeing. Here are the NHS’ five steps to wellbeing:

Stay connected

Good relationships can help you build a sense of belonging and self-worth, allow you to share positive experiences and provide emotional support. Connecting face-to-face is tricky right now, but there are ways around it. Technology means we can stay in touch with loved ones more easily.

Be active

Exercise is good for our minds as well as our bodies – it causes chemical changes in your brain which can help improve your mood. Gyms may be closed but you can still get in a good workout in your own home or local park. Just make sure it’s something you enjoy and that suits your level of mobility and fitness – that way you’re more likely to keep it up.

Be curious

Taking time to pay more attention to the present moment and the world around you can make a big difference to your overall wellbeing. This approach is often called Mindfulness and it can positively change the way you feel about life and how you approach challenges – find out more about Mindfulness here: NHS: Mindfulness

Keep learning

Learning a new skill like cooking, painting or learning a new language, can help boost our confidence and build a sense of purpose. Learning something new or improving a skill you already have can also help us disconnect from what’s happening in the world for a while and give us a sense of achievement.


Acts of giving and kindness can create positive feelings and a sense of reward, giving us a feeling of purpose and self-worth, and helping us connect with others. It doesn’t have to be a grand gesture, sometimes just saying thank-you to someone who has helped you is enough.

Learn more about the NHS’ 5 steps to wellbeing here: NHS: 5 steps to mental wellbeing

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