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  • UNI Club e-learning Modules

The UNI Club

The UNI Club is an exciting and enriching education programme for schools, for Y9 more able learners.  The UNI Club e-learning modules are all taught by University of Northampton (UON) postgraduate students, sharing the research and learning from their Masters and PhD qualifications.
The UNI Club e-modules are all unique, and offer a range of subjects for learners to engage with in their school with a member of staff facilitating, or independent learning.  
Create your own UNI Club in schools and inspire the students in your school to learn a new topic and undertake some independent learning!

How do the e-modules work?

Each e-module is made up of four x 15 min taught lessons (with additional time needed for learning tasks).  Each lesson is followed by a self-led task, reflecting on the learning and deepening the topic knowledge. All the modules have an end of module assessment, such as creating a poster or a short writing task. 

The e-modules have been written for maximum flexibility for schools. 

Schools may use these during the school day or set them as home learning, setting deadlines of when students need to complete the lessons and assessments or as part of your gifted and talented enrichment offer.  

UNI Club e-modules are self-taught, using the resources on this webpage. All Modules are accompanied by a workbook, with extended learning tasks to complete. It is up to the individual to complete these tasks and they will help learners understand more about the subject and embed the learning. It is the responsibility of the learner and/or school to monitor.

Who are the UNI Club e-modules for?

UNI Club modules are for Y9 students. Schools have used them to introduce different ways of learning, to extend the learning of students who are ‘more able’ or need an additional challenge, for example, before undertaking an HPQ (Higher Project Qualification). All topics compliment the National Curriculum and should be interesting to all students wanting to learn something new.

The UNI Club is open to all partner schools (Uni Connect and widening participation cohorts) within the Aspire Higher network (Northamptonshire, Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire). It is requested that a minimum of 60% students taking part are identified as Uni Connect or widening participation students. Schools will be required to provide student data prior to participating in the Module.

Uni Club e-learning Modules: 

How do I access the UNI Club e-modules?

The modules are free to use but are password protected. Please email to access the UNI Club e-learning modules.

The University must record attendance and evaluate our programmes with schools to help us evidence our contribution to the widening participation agenda and evidence how we are spending the funding from OFS (Office for Students).  By agreeing to be part of the UNI Club you also agree to complete the relevant evaluation forms and complete the relevant consent forms for your students to participate.  More details will be sent to schools regarding this.

Once you receive your password, you can click on the links below to access the modules. You must enter the password to gain access.

An Introduction to Anatomy in Sport and Exercise

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Black History is Northamptonshire’s History (sample module open access)

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Climate Change in Fiction:

Creative Ways of Approaching the Climate Crisis

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History Is All Around:

Introduction to Local History

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Mental Health and Mindfulness

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Monsters on the Bookshelf

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Politics in the Past and Present

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